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Nepal Trekking
Tea House Trek
Camping Trek
nepal treks, trekking in nepal, nepal trekking
Prasa Wildlife Reserve
Establish: In 1984 A . D.

Area : 499 sq. kms.

Location : The Reserve is located in the south – central low land Tarai of Nepal.

Vegetation : The forest are mainly composed of tropical and subtropical species. Salforest compase 90% of the reserve’s Vegetation.
Wildlife : Wild Elephant, Rhinococers, Blue bull. Bengal tiger, Leopard, Samber deer and More….

Wildlife :The reserve supports good populations of various species . Endangered species include wild asian elephant, royal bengal tiger , sloth bear and leopard. Blue bull,samber deer, spotted deer, striped hyana, jungle cat and palm civet are also found in the reserve.

Birds : The reserve also provides habital for more to 450 species of birds. White brested kingfisher, Paradies flycacatcher, Gaint horned bill, Woodpeckers etc..

Activities : Elephant Ride, Nature walk, Culture tours, birds watching.


  • An entry fee has to pay at the Reserve’s entrance gate.
  • All flora and fauna are fully protected and must not be disturbed.
  • Do not purchase illegal animal or plant products.
  • Carry out non biodegradable items such as plastic & bottles.
  • Place trash in rubbish bins.
  • No one should walk within the Reserve between sunset and sunrise
  • Respect religious and cultural sites.
  • Camping in side the park should be made only at the designed areas.
  • Visitors should be self sufficient in fuel supply (kerosene) . The use of firewood is strictly prohibited.
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