Nepal is land –
locked country bordering with the Tibet Autonomous Region
of the People’s Republic of China in the north and
surrounded by India in the east, south and west. |
Nepal is the national language of Nepal; educated people
understand and speak English as well. There are hundreds
of local dialects spoken by people from various ethnic
Nepal has four major seasons, namely,(1) winter; December
– February,(2) Spring; March – May,(3) Summer;
June – August and (4) Autumn: September –
November. Nepal can be visited all the year round.
People and Religion
Nepalese people are mainly divided into two distinct
groups, the India – Aryans and the Mongoloids.
Nepal is the only Hindu Kingdom in the world. Hindu
Temples and Buddhist Shrines are scattered all over
the kingdom. Nepal is the birthplace of Lord Buddha,
the Light of Asia. Hindus and Buddhists live together
in harmony. Muslims, Christians and other nature worshippers,
too, exist.
Currency & Foreign exchange
Nepali Rupee notes come in Rs. 1, 2, 5,10,20,25,50,100,500,1000
denominations. Coins come in 5 paisa, 10p, 25p, Rs.
1, 2 and 5 denominations.
Foreign currencies must be exchanged only through banks
or authorized money exchangers. The receipts of such
transaction are to be obtained and retained. Visitors
can exchange foreign currency at the foreign exchange
counter at the airport upon arrival. Visitors other
than the India nationals have to make the payment in
foreign currency (non – Indian currency) in hotel,
trekking agencies or travel agencies and for air tickets. |
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